Springer¨s philosophy collection is well-known for containing specialized academic work in: phenomenology, philosophy and history of science, logic, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, linguistic philosophy, bioethics, agricultural ethics, business ethics, political philosophy, as well as philosophy and technology. The religion collection includes books in comparative religion, popular culture and sociology of religion, religion and health, religious freedom, the scientific study of religion, comparative East-West spirituality, as well as Judaic studies. Novel subjects contained within the philosophy and religion eBook collection include a comprehensive introduction to China¨s fa Tradition, as well as research on church going affected by the pandemic.
Palgrave¨s philosophy and religion program boasts a robust body of global scholarship on a wide range of topics. In addition to a strong focus on the history of analytic philosophy, African American philosophy, ethics, the philosophy of religion, animal studies, and continental philosophy, the collection also includes research on individual thinkers including: Susan Stebbing, Schelling, Iris Murdoch, Alain Locke, Max Stirner, Jacques Derrida, Frank Ramsey and Michael Polanyi. There are books on many highly topical subjects including neuroscience, perception, intellectual property, gender, and technology. In addition, the collection has a strong global perspective with books on insecurity, Gandhi, environment, sustainable development, childhood, and modernity and we are proud to feature a rich body of research from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Australia.
We are a truly international publisher, serving the research community around the globe. With hubs throughout Europe, the Americas and Asia Pacific we are perfectly positioned to connect with our book authors and editors wherever they are located. Our global base of editorial staff is located in cities such as New York, London, Heidelberg, Tokyo, Beijing, New Delhi, Singapore, Melbourne and S?o Paulo. They constantly travel to scientific meetings and universities to connect with the research community.
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