In order to support authors who choose to make their research articles immediately available upon publication, we have compiled a list of research funders and institutions worldwide that fund open access article-processing charges (APCs).
Funding sources are listed by country, and links to each organization¡¯s open access (OA) funding and policy pages have been included where available. Please note that this page currently only shows open access policies for funders or institutions that make open access funding available.
If your funder is not shown on this page, you may still be able to use your grant funds to cover APCs. Check your grant terms for information on publication costs.
The information on this page is updated regularly, and reflects APC funding sources to the best of our knowledge. To suggest updates or additions to this list, please contact us at
OA funding types
The open access funding type of each organization in the list below has been indicated by one or more of the following annotations:
- APC funding may be included in the initial research grant application budget
- Grantees may use remaining research funds for APCs
- Offers a dedicated open access fund
Institution distributes OA funds provided by a funder either via a block grant (e.g., UKRI or DFG) or overheads included as a part of individual grants (e.g., FORTE or Academy of Finland)